The other day I was driving to school in Baltimore. As I was getting off 83 to make my way to class I saw 2 different homeless people. One of them was a white gentleman and the other was a black gentleman. They both had signs that explained their plight. The white guy was a homeless war vet, the other was a diabetic. At the moment I saw those two men the following thoughts flashed into my head. How did they get here and where are they're friends?
I was fortunate enough to have a few dollars and some food in the car. I was happy that I was able to help them out with a little something. My few dollars and orange juice (burger king breakfast) were not going to alleviate him of his homelessness or the diabetes that plagued him. This was just a stopgap in a life that has probably been plagued by failure, poverty, disappointment, and maybe even depression.
As I sat in class I wondered, at one point in time this person had a roof over their head, maybe three square meals a day, and maybe even friends and loved ones that cared for them. I wondered how they're situation would have mutated over the years. One has to wonder how these two guys lives became so socially eroded. At what point does it occur to their friends and that this person is homeless. I cant help but think slowly but steadily these two guys were pushed completely out of the mind of they're friends and loved ones.
It is human nature to celebrate success and good fortune, however failure is shunned. Most people might say they don't do this but look at your friends and the people you hang out with, they look like you (in my case Nigerian, unreasonably handosome or pretty, business or professional ambitions). The man's former friends can't really be blamed for his state because in the end we are all responsible for our own actions. Who's to say the mans friends did not make efforts to help him reroute his life and he declined.
The skeptic in me thought alcohol and drugs were most likely the catalyst's to this man's situation, but instead hope in the goodness of man triumphed over the pessimism of his failures.
well put together!!