Monday, July 26, 2010


The effort or kindness of another human being is an immeasurable commodity that's too volatile to pin hopes on. Some will say life is not really like this, but their being unreal with themselves. Every single friendship is essentially a set of exchanges, a social contract of some sort.

The quality of each friendship we have is determined by the evenness of these exchanges along with their frequency. Great friends have learned how to strike the perfect equilibrium, in bad friendships the scale is uneven. I dare you to exam every one of your friendships and see if this is not relevant. Man is not altruistic, when it comes down to it self preservation is the choice of the masses. There are those who transcend this, but they are few and far between.

Today I lost a friend because the scale of our friendship got broken beyond repair, the unevenness of the scale become unbearable. I'm not the type to hold grudges I wish the man well in all his present and future endeavors, but we just can not remain friends. There are some people you just can't be friends with.


  1. I knew today would be a peculiar day!
    THE HAPPY BLACK MAN..has surfaced for air!!! *does a dance*
    and now to my comment:

    I definitely have to agree with you on this...
    No matter how hard you try, there are just some people you cannot be friends with.
    some how thought it was only women that went through this because it's "nature" but now I know it's likewise for the other side (men)!

    Glad to see you writing...
    *Twitter misses you*

  2. ha ha ..ok this is weird... This post showed up on my dashboard as recent but the date on the actual post says july.... ?????
    SO you are still underwater...hmmmm....Where are you?

  3. Yea its a human thing I think. I've been laying low...I'd by lying if said I didn't miss twitter lol...will be back soon.
